French Vanilla Iced Coffee with Homemade Vanilla Syrup
This Vanilla Iced Coffee with Homemade Syrup just might have made me a good Mom this weekend! Recently I’ve felt like we have been SO busy with Summer winding down, and every week is jam packed with activity. As a business owner AND Mom of a 15 month old bowling ball, we have busy days, and then busier days. Last week I had all the normal tasks of running the blog/business but also filmed 7 cooking videos, participating in a special secret BIG project coming your way soon, and celebrated my bday. Good times! I wanted this Summer to be special, because last year Henry was just a blob that we carried around. Now he is up for all the fun and wanted to be in all all the action we could find, and I knew I had to be awake and ready to go. Enter: FRENCH VANILLA ICED COFFEE WITH HOMEMADE VANILLA SYRUP! This is one of my favorite recipes to make in a big pitcher at the beginning of the week, and it get’s me through to the enjoying the weekend.
Can I use creamy milk in my coffee without getting a stomach ache?
I have mentioned it before, but I’ve always been slightly lactose intolerant. Henry is still so young, but I can already tell he suffers from it as well. You guys know I love dairy, so I had to find something to make a happier belly while still enjoying all the milk I can get my hands on. Luckily for the entire family, we found LACTAID®! I’m SO proud to be talking about (and using) Lactaid today because this is a product that has truly changed our day to day family life. Lactaid is DAIRY milk, without the Lactose. It’s real milk without the consequences that sometimes follow. I love it, Henry loves it, the entire family loves it! Henry drinks Lactaid 2% Milk throughout the day, and I use it in almost any recipe that calls for milk (you can substitute it anytime!) as well as in this Vanilla Iced Coffee Recipe. After I had my morning Iced Coffees (with Lactaid of course) over the weekend we were able to play all day from touring houses for fun (is that normal?), hitting up multiple playgrounds, taking Henry to the driving range (and by that I mean letting Pat go to the driving range), seeing both sets of grandparents, and ending the weekend with a dinner date out with Pat for my bday. The nutrients from the Lactaid keep me fueled for whatever the day brings. You can feel great about using Lactaid in this French Vanilla Iced Coffee because it will be kind to your belly and keep you fueled for everything you have going throughout the day. For us, it kept me involved in all the fun of Father’s Day, from Henry’s first time at the golf range to sitting out by my parent’s lake and watching the big kids fish. We had an amazing weekend thanks to Lactaid!
Before I found out about Lactaid, I had the (terrible, I know) habit of buying Iced Coffee almost every morning. It fueled my morning, but it always caused terrible belly aches. Not to mention the calories. I love to be able to control the entire process at home; from deciding how much and what kind of dairy to use to making my own syrup. SO MUCH BETTER!
Tips for making Homemade Vanilla Syrup
When you make homemade syrup, it’s important to start with a “simple syrup” which is just sugar and water dissolved together in a saucepan and brought to a boil. When making Homemade VANILLA syrup, we are just going to add some vanilla bean to the boiling mixture, and then a touch of vanilla extract as well. This is such an easy way to know exactly what you’re pouring into your coffee or cocktails! It should last about 1-2 weeks in the fridge, so it’s great to stir into a pitcher of iced coffee or keep on hand throughout the week.
How to make Iced Coffee at home
I have an obsession with coffee and have made it lots of ways throughout the years! We have our fully from scratch Homemade Iced Coffee Recipe, our Thai Iced Coffee, a copycat Iced Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso, and even Frozen Cold Brew. You can’t go wrong with any of those recipes, but this is my easiest and favorite. For this I just use a chilled cup of brewed coffee, Lactaid Whole Milk, and some Homemade Vanilla Syrup.
How to make Iced Coffee in a pitcher to last all week
I’m going to write out instructions below for making one glass of iced coffee, but if you prefer to make an entire pitcher, here is an easy equation!
1/2 cup Homemade Vanilla Syrup 1 cup Lactaid Whole Milk 4 cups chilled strong coffee
So easy and so great to keep in the fridge for the week. Last weekend I loaded up a big tall travel glass every morning and headed out to all the fun. I would have been a tired mess without it!
I love that Lactaid allows me to enjoy my favorite recipes and beverages (like this Homemade Vanilla Iced Coffee!) by using REAL MILK without the lactose consequences. This isn’t a dairy substitute! It’s real dairy with all the same good stuff like protein, vitamins, and calcium. I love serving it to Henry throughout the day without worrying about lactose intolerance. Thank you Lactaid! Click HERE to find out where to buy near you (Sold at Target!!). Want to see more recipes perfect for starting your big day or weekend? We’ve got you covered. Here are some faves:
Pumpkin Spice Latte Peach Lemonade Coffee Breakfast Smoothie Glowing Skin Smoothie Creamy Green Smoothie Sherbet Mimosas Simple Mango Smoothie Breakfast Cereal Smoothie